
If you’re visiting this site, it’s more than likely that you are completely frustrated by the applications process (which is complex, obtuse and varies across university and country) to overseas universities; you are uncertain about your chances; you have a vague idea of what you want to do in future but you are not sure if the universities and courses you are applying for will get you there; you need someone to tell you whether taking the SAT a 4th time matters to admissions officers; and last but not least YOU HAVE NO IDEA IF YOUR ESSAYS ARE ON THE RIGHT TRACK. OH AND DON’T FORGET THE DREADED SPECTRE OF INTERVIEWS.

Bianca and I found ourselves in the same position, but in different years, amidst our frantic studying for upcoming prelim/ GCE “A” Level exams, and the challenge of coping with the insanity of applications, exam preparation, and some semblance of a social life. And still getting decent amounts of shut-eye. After our very own messy, crazy application process, we are proud to showcase our flaws and the things we amazingly did right, our perspectives having been through UK and US overseas education, on this humble website. We have also gotten our friends to contribute articles based on their unique experiences, and hope that this will be useful to you.

At the heart of the matter is the personal journey that you are about to embark on. This is just the beginning. But the beginning has a huge impact on the end outcome, which is your starting job post-graduation and the amount of enjoyment you derive from the period of life most people would regard as one of the most enjoyable periods in their lives. When you are a university student, you are finally old enough to make your own choices while young enough to recover from your mistakes; you will learn how to integrate with new cultures and add the finishing touches to a still-unformed personal identity; you will learn how to cook and clean for yourself (hopefully) and become a responsible adult, eager to make your mark on this world.

On our end, our motivation for writing this blog is to let you know the pitfalls we went through when we were your age, so that history may not repeat itself. Our perspectives are necessarily coloured by our experiences with universities, localities, scholarships – these experiences do not extend to generalization across all people. Loathe it or love it, what we write are with the best of intentions – we hope it may add some value to your own decision-making matrix as you embark on the next phase of your personal journey.

andrew                              bianca

Bianca and Andrew, 2015

P.S. Please email us if you have any queries, we will try to address them at enquiries@qconsultasia.com