FAQ: Mentors
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How do you mentor?
QC’s flagship 5 to 1 mentoring course is headed by a Principal and Secondary Mentor, both of whom from an applicant’s target school (i.e. an Oxford Law menor will work with an Oxford law applicant). 3 more mentors will provide support for college research, portfolio preparation, and non-academic preparation. This high mentor to mentee ratio is the key to success for the student.
Why choose Quintessential Consultancy?
QC’s industry-defining framework and curriculum also provides comprehensive coverage on portfolio building, application strategy, personal statement editing, and interview preparation. Our track record stands heads and shoulders over competition and remains best of class.
Group-based start to end mentoring and the use of actual senior alumni mentors are not used in many other mentoring firms. Students may opt for help on individual components, or the entire application.
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