For Ox-bridge applicants and students applying for Law and Medicine in the UK, admissions exams are integral. Due to the highly competitive nature of Oxbridge and Law/Medicine applications, excelling in these exams will help differentiate one from other applicants. As Singapore’s leading university consultancy, we are well-equipped and experienced in tackling all aspects of university applications- entrance exams are no exception. Our leading mentors are top Ox-bridge graduates who rank 99th percentile of their cohort; with unparalleled success and expertise to conduct a thorough and comprehensive curriculum to tackle all admissions exams.

At Quintessential, we offer courses for the following admissions tests:


Oxford and Cambridge, Imperial, UCL, Leeds, Lancaster, Keele Medicine and Oxford Biomedical Sciences


Cambridge Law Test


Oxford Mathematics, Computer Science and joint courses


Oxford Engineering,  Materials Science, Physics courses


Oxford and Cambridge English and joint courses


Oxford History and joint courses


UK Law courses and Oxford Law and joint courses


Cambridge Land Economy and Oxford Economics & Management, Experimental Psychology, Geography, Human Sciences, Philosophy & Linguistics, PPE, Psychology & Linguistics, and Psychology & Philosophy


Medicine at University of Aberdeen, University of Birmingham, University of Bristol, Cardiff University, University of Dundee, Durham University, University of East Anglia, University of Edinburgh, University of Exeter, University of Glasgow, Hull York Medical School, King’s College London, University of Leicester, University of Liverpool, University of Manchester, University of Newcastle, University of Southampton, University of St. Andrews, University of Warwick

Admissions exams are designed to stretch and challenge students to gauge their academic potential and are imbued with a degree of unfamiliarity so even the brightest students find it difficult to tackle them. While these tests form a crucial component of the admissions process, many students find them daunting. Quintessential’s offering of specialised admissions testing courses are designed to assuage these fears and provide the rigorous preparation necessary for success. Each course is prepared by an exam tutor who is a specialist in the respective exams with years of experience. Our team of experts pours through each exam released to constantly refine our curriculum; no one teaches quite the way we do.

Admission Exams SpecialistsExam-specific courses ran by elite university graduates who are specialists in the exam courses they administer
Individualised LearningAdmission Exams are tough; each of our course gives 100% focused attention and a personalised curriculum to tailor to the needs of each student
Extensive Preparation MaterialsWe provide you with an extensive range of resources, mock exams, and practice questions to make sure you get all the preparation you need to ace the exam
Test Taking StrategiesTest taking strategies can have a huge impact on test day results as well. A concentrated effort on essay technique, multiple choice selection, language usage, and timing strategies will elevate your performance on the big day.
Innovative Learning TechniquesBeyond tried-and-true exam learning techniques, we constantly push the boundaries of innovation in education to give our students a competitive edge